ADHD And Vision Therapy

ADHD And Vision Therapy

ADHD And Vision Therapy

ADHD And Vision Therapy

ADHD And Vision Therapy

Vision and learning are intimately connected. Sometimes learning problems can be caused by underlying vision problems while others with eye and vision problems may be misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities such as ADHD, or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurobehavioral disorder affecting both children and adults. ADHD is a fairly common disorder that affects a person’s ability to remain focused and control impulsive behaviors. Those with ADHD might find themselves feeling restless and have a near-constant urge to be active and moving.

Although it is frequently diagnosed in children and adolescents, ADHD can continue well into adulthood, along with problems such as inattention, disorganization, and poor impulse control.

Unfortunately, the behaviors or symptoms can be similar leading to confusion unless professionally diagnosed. This can be especially true for children who rely on their vision not only to navigate the world but also to learn from it visually.

Many parents may argue that their child “passed” a vision screening conducted at their child’s school, but this is a false sense of security as these blanket vision tests often miss more than they can find. Undetected and untreated vision problems can greatly impact a child’s ability to learn and socialize with others comfortably.

Vision therapy can help those with ADHD learn how to adapt appropriately to their current situation. With proper exercises, education, and non-surgical treatment, we are able to provide patients with solutions to their problems. Vision therapy is also linked to assisting with learning and reading disabilities.

Although there is no evidence that vision therapy can help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD, there is evidence that it is able to improve reading skills in those who have ADHD.

How Does Vision Therapy Work?

Our Doctors Will Properly Assess Your Situation and Provide the Necessary Treatment Method That is Best for You. Once the Proper Method is Chosen, We Will Work Together to Determine an Appropriate Treatment Plan. Typically, Treatments Are Performed in-office on a Weekly Basis, but Maybe More Depending on the Condition and Patient Desires. Within Those Weekly Sessions, We Will Also Provide Exercises That You Can Complete at Home as Well.

When Should I Seek Treatment?

If You Suspect You May Have Vision Problems, the Sooner You Consult With an Eye Doctor, the Better. Many People Don’t Notice That Their Eyes Are Struggling to Concentrate Because They’re Having Difficulty Reading and Suffering Other Symptoms.

You Should Consult Your Eye Doctor if You Notice Any Changes in Your Vision, Hazy Vision, Headaches, or Ocular Discharge, Should Prompt You Consult Your Primary Care Physician. Symptoms Like This Could Indicate a More Serious Medical Condition.

3 Practical Tips

Vision Therapy is a Treatment for Eye Problems That May Be Associated With Adhd. It is Not a Cure, but It Can Improve Symptoms of Adhd.

There Are Different Types of Vision Therapy. It Can Be Done by Optometrists or Ophthalmologists, or at Home With the Use of Special Glasses or Computer Programs.

The Three Practical Tips About Using Vision Therapy Methods With Children Diagnosed With Adhd Are:

  • Make Sure You Get an Accurate Diagnosis,

  • Be Patient and Consistent in Your Treatment,

  • Use the Right Type of Vision Therapy for Your Child’s Needs.

If You or Your Child is Having Trouble Seeing, You Should Schedule an Appointment With the Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta Immediately. Early Detection of Vision Difficulties Can Lead to the Use of Contact Lenses or Eyeglasses, Which Can Help Alleviate Symptoms and Improve Your Vision.

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