Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive eye error. When you have myopia, it’s difficult for you to see distant objects clearly. However, objects that are near appear clear to you. For instance, near-sighted people may not be able to read road signs until they are just a few feet away. The thing is, when left untreated, myopia can lead to severly worsened vision. Read on to learn the importance of treating myopia.
Leaving your myopia untreated can significantly affect your quality of life. As nearsightedness progresses, your ability to see clearly becomes increasingly limited, affecting daily activities like reading, driving, and recognizing faces.
This can lead to frustration, decreased productivity, and impaired social interactions. Moreover, adolescents and young adults with untreated myopia may face challenges in their academic and professional goals. After all, clear vision plays a crucial role in these endeavors.
The consequences of myopia extend beyond physical health concerns. Come to think of it, it can also affect your mental health.
Myopia has been shown to increase levels of anxiety in teenagers. There are also identified links between nearsightedness and children experiencing low esteem. Finally, adults with high myopia, an inherited form of high-degree nearsightedness, cited psychological factors that affect their life quality.
Another consequence of leaving nearsightedness untreated is the increased risk of developing other eye disorders. Did you know that myopia is associated with an increased risk of the following eye diseases?
Myopic macular degeneration
Retinal detachment
Open-angle glaucoma
All these diseases can lead to visual impairment and loss. High-degree nearsightedness has the highest risk, too. Still, low and moderate myopes are at significant risk as well.
If you leave myopia untreated and it results in more serious complications, you might suffer huge financial losses. On top of the complications potentially affecting your job, remember that you may incur big medical expenses.
Myopia may be very common, and you may be tempted to ignore it for as long as it doesn’t affect you severely. But considering its grave consequences when left untreated, you must take action now.
Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken to prevent or manage its progression.
Regular eye examinations can help diagnose myopia early and provide appropriate management strategies. Your doctor may recommend prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses that can correct vision and reduce strain on the eyes. In fact, orthokeratology and specialized contact lenses have shown promise in slowing the progression of myopia.
Are you or your child having trouble seeing distant objects clearly? If so, you may have myopia. It’s best to consult a doctor as soon as possible. However, remember only to trust experts in the field.
To determine if you have nearsightedness and understand what treatment best suits you, visit the Family Eye Care Center of Atlanta at our office in Atlanta, Georgia. You may also call (404) 905-1400 to schedule an appointment today.