Lidpro for Blepharitis

Lidpro for Blepharitis

Lidpro for Blepharitis

Lidpro for Blepharitis

Lidpro Treatment For Blepharitis & Dry Eye

At our Dry Eye Center, we are pleased to offer Lidpro for treatment of blepharitis. This advanced technology allows us to provide powerful and effective treatment for blepharitis delivered in a comfortable, spa-like environment.

​​​​​​​If you have been diagnosed with blepharitis, or think that you might have it, then contact us to get the relief you deserve fast.

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is related to Dry Eye Syndrome and is often a contributing cause or a parallel condition. It involves inflamed eyelids, particularly where the eyelashes grow and is usually caused by bacterial infections or other skin problems resulting in similar symptoms to Dry Eyes Syndrome in general.

​​​​​​​Blepharitis often occurs when the tiny oil glands at the base of the eyelids get clogged or infected. Lidpro is a state-of-the-art eye care treatment that can be used to remove debris and scurf and exfoliate your eyelids. For more information about LASIK & Refractive Surgery Co-Management, speak with your eye doctor today.

How Does Lidpro Work?

Lidpro is an advanced eye care procedure.
The in-office procedure precisely and safely spins a medical-grade micro-sponge along the edges of your eyelashes and eyelids providing exfoliation and the removal of the infected debris called scurf.

Lidpro effectively removes the exotoxin-laden biofilm located along your eyelid margin that is responsible for your blepharitis symptoms.

​​​​​​​By exfoliating your eyelids, the Blepharitis and Dry Eye Symptoms will improve rapidly, while also helping you to avoid long-term inflammatory damage to your tear glands.

How Long Does A Lidpro Procedure Last?

Our dry eye specialists need only about 6 – 8 minutes per eye to perform this procedure. After the procedure, the patient is instructed on how to maintain their clean eyelids with regular nightly lid hygiene. You can rinse your eyes after the procedure and go about your day in comfort.

How Often Will I Need A Lidpro Treatment?
This depends on the severity and cause of your blepharitis. Since home treatments are only semi-effective at preventing further eyelid inflammation, the procedure is typically repeated at 4 – 6-month intervals.

How Is Lidpro More Effective Than Wipes, Drops Or Compresses?
Treatments that rely on eye drops, warm compresses, or wipes often only provide momentary comfort by relieving the symptoms. They don’t generally address the underlying condition.

Even wipes, which are designed to actually clean the eyelid are not, in fact, all that effective as they are not intended to provide full exfoliation. Instead, wipes and hot compresses are best used for the maintenance of good eyelid hygiene between Lidpro treatments.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Lidpro?
Lidpro is a simple procedure performed by our optometrist for patients with the following symptoms:

  • Itchy or scratchy eyes

  • The feeling of something stuck in your eye

  • Excessive Tearing

  • A buildup of gunk/crustiness in the eyelid area

  • Redness/Inflammation

  • Dry or uncomfortable eyes

Your optometrist will perform a test to see if you are suffering from Blepharitis. Based on the test results, a customized treatment plan will be recommended that may include eyelid exfoliation using Lidpro.

Learn More About Lidpro Treatment For Dry Eye

Does Insurance Cover Lidpro?
Usually not. Lidpro is a relatively new procedure and most insurance plans have not yet caught up enough to include it in medical or vision insurance.

Contact Lens Wearer, Is Lidpro For Me?
Blepharitis is largely affected by the hygiene of the eyelids. Contact lens wearers are therefore far more likely to develop blepharitis and other Dry Eye Syndrome-related conditions. Lidpro is an ideal treatment for any contact lens wearer who develops blepharitis.

Is Lidpro Safe For Children?
Blepharitis is one of the main contributing causes of Pediatric Eye Inflammation. In principle, there is no reason Lidpro would not be equally effective for children as it is for adults.

​​​​​​​However, the use of Lidpro for children should be assessed on a case-by-case basis during a consultation with our dry eye specialist.

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